(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('../../pfelement/dist/pfelement.umd')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../../pfelement/dist/pfelement.umd'], factory) : (global.PfeAutocomplete = factory(global.PFElement)); }(this, (function (PFElement) { 'use strict'; PFElement = PFElement && PFElement.hasOwnProperty('default') ? PFElement['default'] : PFElement; var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; var createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); var get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return getter.call(receiver); } }; var inherits = function (subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }; var possibleConstructorReturn = function (self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }; /*! * PatternFly Elements: PfeAutocomplete 1.0.0-prerelease.55 * @license * Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ var KEYCODE = { ENTER: 13, DOWN: 40, UP: 38, ESC: 27 }; // use this variable to debounce api call when user types very fast var throttle = false; var PfeAutocomplete = function (_PFElement) { inherits(PfeAutocomplete, _PFElement); createClass(PfeAutocomplete, [{ key: "html", get: function get$$1() { return "
\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n
\n"; } }, { key: "schemaUrl", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-autocomplete.json"; } }, { key: "templateUrl", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-autocomplete.html"; } }, { key: "styleUrl", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-autocomplete.scss"; } }], [{ key: "version", get: function get$$1() { return "1.0.0-prerelease.55"; } }, { key: "properties", get: function get$$1() { return { "debounce_timer": { "title": "Debounce", "description": "The amount of time that should pass before the next API call is made", "type": "string", "prefixed": false }, "init_value": { "title": "Initial value", "description": "An initial value to show in the input field", "type": "string", "prefixed": false }, "is_disabled": { "title": "Is disabled", "description": "Disable the input", "type": "boolean", "prefixed": false } }; } }, { key: "slots", get: function get$$1() { return { "content": { "title": "Content", "type": "array", "namedSlot": false, "items": { "oneOf": [{ "$ref": "input" }] }, "required": true } }; } }, { key: "tag", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-autocomplete"; } }, { key: "events", get: function get$$1() { return { search: this.tag + ":search-event", select: this.tag + ":option-selected", optionsShown: this.tag + ":options-shown", slotchange: "slotchange" }; } }]); function PfeAutocomplete() { classCallCheck(this, PfeAutocomplete); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (PfeAutocomplete.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PfeAutocomplete)).call(this, PfeAutocomplete)); _this._slotchangeHandler = _this._slotchangeHandler.bind(_this); _this._slot = _this.shadowRoot.querySelector("slot"); _this._slot.addEventListener(PfeAutocomplete.events.slotchange, _this._slotchangeHandler); return _this; } createClass(PfeAutocomplete, [{ key: "connectedCallback", value: function connectedCallback() { get(PfeAutocomplete.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PfeAutocomplete.prototype), "connectedCallback", this).call(this); this.loading = false; this.debounce = this.debounce || 300; this._ariaAnnounceTemplate = "There are ${numOptions} suggestions. Use the up and down arrows to browse."; // clear button this._clearBtn = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".clear-search"); this._clearBtn.addEventListener("click", this._clear.bind(this)); // search button this._searchBtn = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".search-button"); this._searchBtn.addEventListener("click", this._search.bind(this)); this._dropdown = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#dropdown"); this._dropdown.data = []; this.activeIndex = null; this.addEventListener("keyup", this._inputKeyUp.bind(this)); // these two events, fire search this.addEventListener(PfeAutocomplete.events.search, this._closeDroplist.bind(this)); this.addEventListener(PfeAutocomplete.events.select, this._optionSelected.bind(this)); } }, { key: "disconnectedCallback", value: function disconnectedCallback() { this.removeEventListener("keyup", this._inputKeyUp); this.removeEventListener(PfeAutocomplete.events.search, this._closeDroplist); this.removeEventListener(PfeAutocomplete.events.select, this._optionSelected); this._slot.removeEventListener(PfeAutocomplete.events.slotchange, this._slotchangeHandler); if (this._input) { this._input.removeEventListener("input", this._inputChanged); this._input.removeEventListener("blur", this._closeDroplist); } this._clearBtn.removeEventListener("click", this._clear); this._searchBtn.removeEventListener("click", this._search); } }, { key: "attributeChangedCallback", value: function attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldVal, newVal) { get(PfeAutocomplete.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PfeAutocomplete.prototype), "attributeChangedCallback", this).call(this); var slotNodes = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("slot").assignedNodes(); var slotElems = slotNodes.filter(function (n) { return n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; }); var _input = slotElems[0]; var _clearBtn = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".clear-search"); var _searchBtn = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".search-button"); switch (attr) { case "loading": if (!this.loading || _input.value === "") { this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".loading").setAttribute("hidden", ""); } else { this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".loading").removeAttribute("hidden"); } break; case "init-value": if (this["init-value"] !== newVal) { // set inputbox and buttons in the inner component _input.value = newVal; if (newVal !== "" && !this.isDisabled) { _searchBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); _clearBtn.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { _searchBtn.setAttribute("disabled", ""); _clearBtn.setAttribute("hidden", ""); } } break; case "is-disabled": if (this.isDisabled) { _clearBtn.setAttribute("disabled", ""); _searchBtn.setAttribute("disabled", ""); _input.setAttribute("disabled", ""); } else { _clearBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); _searchBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); _input.removeAttribute("disabled"); } break; } } }, { key: "_slotchangeHandler", value: function _slotchangeHandler() { // input box var slotNodes = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("slot").assignedNodes(); var slotElems = slotNodes.filter(function (n) { return n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; }); if (slotElems.length === 0) { console.error(PfeAutocomplete.tag + ": There must be a input tag in the light DOM"); return; } this._input = slotElems[0]; if (this._input.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "input") { console.error(PfeAutocomplete.tag + ": The only child in the light DOM must be an input tag"); return; } this._input.addEventListener("input", this._inputChanged.bind(this)); this._input.addEventListener("blur", this._closeDroplist.bind(this)); this._input.setAttribute("role", "combobox"); if (!this._input.hasAttribute("aria-label")) { this._input.setAttribute("aria-label", "Search"); } this._input.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "both"); this._input.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true"); this._input.setAttribute("type", "search"); this._input.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); this._input.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"); this._input.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"); this._input.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"); this._dropdown._ariaAnnounceTemplate = this.getAttribute("aria-announce-template") || this._ariaAnnounceTemplate; } }, { key: "_inputChanged", value: function _inputChanged() { var _this2 = this; if (this._input.value === "") { this._searchBtn.setAttribute("disabled", ""); this._clearBtn.setAttribute("hidden", ""); this._reset(); return; } else { if (!this._input.hasAttribute("disabled")) { this._searchBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); } this._clearBtn.removeAttribute("hidden"); } if (throttle === false) { throttle = true; window.setTimeout(function () { _this2._sendAutocompleteRequest(_this2._input.value); throttle = false; }, this.debounce); } } }, { key: "_clear", value: function _clear() { this._input.value = ""; this._clearBtn.setAttribute("hidden", ""); this._searchBtn.setAttribute("disabled", ""); this._input.focus(); } }, { key: "_search", value: function _search() { this._doSearch(this._input.value); } }, { key: "_closeDroplist", value: function _closeDroplist() { this._dropdown.open = null; this._dropdown.removeAttribute("active-index"); } }, { key: "_openDroplist", value: function _openDroplist() { this.activeIndex = null; this._dropdown.setAttribute("open", true); this._dropdown.setAttribute("active-index", null); this.emitEvent(PfeAutocomplete.events.optionsShown, { composed: true }); } }, { key: "_optionSelected", value: function _optionSelected(e) { var selectedValue = e.detail.optionValue; // update input box with selected value from options list this._input.value = selectedValue; // send search request this._doSearch(selectedValue); } }, { key: "_doSearch", value: function _doSearch(searchQuery) { this.emitEvent(PfeAutocomplete.events.search, { detail: { searchValue: searchQuery }, composed: true }); this._reset(); this.selectedValue = searchQuery; } }, { key: "_sendAutocompleteRequest", value: function _sendAutocompleteRequest(input) { if (!this.autocompleteRequest) return; this.autocompleteRequest({ query: input }, this._autocompleteCallback.bind(this)); } }, { key: "_autocompleteCallback", value: function _autocompleteCallback(response) { this._dropdown.data = response; this._dropdown.reflow = true; response.length !== 0 ? this._openDroplist() : this._closeDroplist(); } }, { key: "_reset", value: function _reset() { this._dropdown.activeIndex = null; this._input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", ""); this._dropdown.data = []; this._closeDroplist(); } }, { key: "_activeOption", value: function _activeOption(activeIndex) { if (activeIndex === null || activeIndex === "null") return; return this._dropdown.shadowRoot.querySelector("li:nth-child(" + (parseInt(activeIndex, 10) + 1) + ")").innerHTML; } }, { key: "_inputKeyUp", value: function _inputKeyUp(e) { var key = e.keyCode; if (this._dropdown.data.length === 0 && key !== KEYCODE.DOWN && key !== KEYCODE.UP && key !== KEYCODE.ENTER && key !== KEYCODE.ESC) return; var activeIndex = this._dropdown.activeIndex; var optionsLength = this._dropdown.data.length; if (key == KEYCODE.ESC) { this._closeDroplist(); } else if (key === KEYCODE.UP) { if (!this._dropdown.open) { return; } activeIndex = activeIndex === null || activeIndex === "null" ? optionsLength : parseInt(activeIndex, 10); activeIndex -= 1; if (activeIndex < 0) { activeIndex = optionsLength - 1; } this._input.value = this._activeOption(activeIndex); } else if (key === KEYCODE.DOWN) { if (!this._dropdown.open) { return; } activeIndex = activeIndex === null || activeIndex === "null" ? -1 : parseInt(activeIndex, 10); activeIndex += 1; if (activeIndex > optionsLength - 1) { activeIndex = 0; } this._input.value = this._activeOption(activeIndex); } else if (key === KEYCODE.ENTER) { if (this._activeOption(activeIndex)) { this.emitEvent(PfeAutocomplete.events.select, { detail: { optionValue: this._activeOption(activeIndex) }, composed: true }); return; } var selectedValue = this._input.value; this._doSearch(selectedValue); return; } if (activeIndex !== null && activeIndex !== "null") { this._input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", "option-" + activeIndex); } else { this._input.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", ""); } this.activeIndex = activeIndex; this._dropdown.activeIndex = activeIndex; } }, { key: "selectedValue", get: function get$$1() { return this.getAttribute("selected-value"); }, set: function set$$1(val) { this.setAttribute("selected-value", val); } }, { key: "isDisabled", set: function set$$1(value) { if (value) { this.setAttribute("is-disabled", ""); } else { this.removeAttribute("is-disabled"); } }, get: function get$$1() { return this.hasAttribute("is-disabled"); } }, { key: "loading", set: function set$$1(value) { var loading = Boolean(value); if (loading) { this.setAttribute("loading", ""); } else { this.removeAttribute("loading"); } }, get: function get$$1() { return this.hasAttribute("loading"); } }, { key: "initValue", get: function get$$1() { return this.getAttribute("init-value"); }, set: function set$$1(val) { this.setAttribute("init-value", val); } }, { key: "debounce", get: function get$$1() { return this.getAttribute("debounce"); }, set: function set$$1(val) { this.setAttribute("debounce", val); } }], [{ key: "observedAttributes", get: function get$$1() { return ["init-value", "loading", "is-disabled"]; } }]); return PfeAutocomplete; }(PFElement); /* * - Attributes ------------------------------------ * open | Set when the combo box dropdown is open * active-index | Set selected option * reflow | Re-renders the dropdown * - Events ---------------------------------------- * pfe-autocomplete:option-selected | Fires when an option is selected. event.details.optionValue contains the selected value. */ var PfeSearchDroplist = function (_PFElement2) { inherits(PfeSearchDroplist, _PFElement2); createClass(PfeSearchDroplist, [{ key: "html", get: function get$$1() { return "
\n \n
"; } }, { key: "templateUrl", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-search-droplist.html"; } }, { key: "styleUrl", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-search-droplist.scss"; } }], [{ key: "version", get: function get$$1() { return "1.0.0-prerelease.55"; } }, { key: "tag", get: function get$$1() { return "pfe-search-droplist"; } }]); function PfeSearchDroplist() { classCallCheck(this, PfeSearchDroplist); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (PfeSearchDroplist.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PfeSearchDroplist)).call(this, PfeSearchDroplist)); } createClass(PfeSearchDroplist, [{ key: "connectedCallback", value: function connectedCallback() { get(PfeSearchDroplist.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PfeSearchDroplist.prototype), "connectedCallback", this).call(this); this._ariaAnnounce = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".suggestions-aria-help"); this.activeIndex = null; this._ul = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("ul"); this._ul.addEventListener("mousedown", this._optionSelected.bind(this)); } }, { key: "disconnectedCallback", value: function disconnectedCallback() { this._ul.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._optionSelected); } }, { key: "_optionSelected", value: function _optionSelected(e) { if (e.target.tagName === "LI") { this.emitEvent(PfeAutocomplete.events.select, { detail: { optionValue: e.target.innerText }, composed: true }); } } }, { key: "_renderOptions", value: function _renderOptions() { this.reflow = ""; var options = this.data; var ariaAnnounceText = ""; if (this._ariaAnnounceTemplate) { ariaAnnounceText = this._ariaAnnounceTemplate.replace("${numOptions}", options.length); } this._ariaAnnounce.textContent = ariaAnnounceText; this._ariaAnnounce.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); this._ul.innerHTML = "" + options.map(function (item, index) { return "
  • " + item + "
  • "; }).join(""); } }, { key: "attributeChangedCallback", value: function attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldVal, newVal) { get(PfeSearchDroplist.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(PfeSearchDroplist.prototype), "attributeChangedCallback", this).call(this); if (this[name] !== newVal) { this[name] = newVal; } if (attr === "active-index" && oldVal !== newVal) { this._activeIndexChanged(); } if (attr === "reflow") { this._renderOptions(); } } }, { key: "_activeIndexChanged", value: function _activeIndexChanged() { if (!this.data || this.data.length === 0 || this.activeIndex === null || this.activeIndex === "null") return; // remove active class if (this._ul.querySelector(".active")) { this._ul.querySelector(".active").classList.remove("active"); } // add active class to selected option var activeOption = this._ul.querySelector("li:nth-child(" + (parseInt(this.activeIndex, 10) + 1) + ")"); activeOption.classList.add("active"); // scroll to selected element when selected item with keyboard is out of view var ulWrapper = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".droplist"); var activeOptionHeight = activeOption.offsetHeight; activeOptionHeight += parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(activeOption).getPropertyValue("margin-bottom"), 10); ulWrapper.scrollTop = activeOption.offsetTop - ulWrapper.offsetHeight + activeOptionHeight; } }, { key: "open", get: function get$$1() { return this.hasAttribute("open"); }, set: function set$$1(val) { val = Boolean(val); if (val) { this.setAttribute("open", ""); } else { this.removeAttribute("open"); } } }, { key: "activeIndex", get: function get$$1() { return this.getAttribute("active-index"); }, set: function set$$1(val) { this.setAttribute("active-index", val); } }, { key: "reflow", get: function get$$1() { return this.hasAttribute("reflow"); }, set: function set$$1(val) { val = Boolean(val); if (val) { this.setAttribute("reflow", ""); } else { this.removeAttribute("reflow"); } } }], [{ key: "observedAttributes", get: function get$$1() { return ["open", "reflow", "active-index"]; } }]); return PfeSearchDroplist; }(PFElement); PFElement.create(PfeSearchDroplist); PFElement.create(PfeAutocomplete); return PfeAutocomplete; }))); //# sourceMappingURL=pfe-autocomplete.umd.js.map